Blog Post

Excellent Spitbraai’s - Spitbraai

  • By lameldeckd1998
  • 27 May, 2017


The days are gone when your aunties would be on their feet two day cooking the food they are cooking for the occasions such as weddings and anniversaries,21 year birthdays and even in the sad event of a funeral. They would have to focus on the food preparations, cooking with so much sorrow yet still presenting a good meal which takes a lot time energy patience. The celebration you are hosting slowly becomes dark and daunting when you need to get the ingredients running from store to store to get back and forgot to get something and it starts all over again the shops that is. So on yourway back to the shop you got to get some petrol and perhaps fill a flat tire the possibilities of what you will experience with the drive for the food prep if this seems too much imagine you cooking with everything going on you haven even bought or found that special outfit.

The guest list is complete and everyone has RSVP’d oops you hadn’t remembered that aunt Petunia is a diabetic and your child decided to become a vegetarian overnight,which does happen more often than you think. As if everything else wasn’t enough dealing with shops the planning the event and suddenly remembered that you have already started cooking and haven’t planned much variety for those you require a special diet meal. Wake up the night mare you just had after a nice pampering session a good night’s sleep and the even day ahead. Waking from a slumber no rush and all you need to prepare is yourself is all you need to do for the day.

This could all be part of your reality but it doesn’t have to be when you have a spitbraai.A spitbraai is known as an umbrella tem for preparing food around the fire but with this cattery option available you have absolutely no need to put yourself through all the blood sweat and tears. We come in, set up the buffet,get the meat going. All cutlery and dinning plates etc is included in the hire. The fresh array of sides that they are eyeing when they arrive –already imagining how heavenly the food must be and will have anyone walking the door. So now that everyone’s diet is included we encourage you to have the most fun with the guests as much as you can without being interrupted and with more energy as we will not just set up and provide the utensils and cutlery arrange a buffet but also do the serving of the that you share with your guests.The nicest thing is that after all champagne bubbles are gone the reality we at excellent spitbraaicatering provide a solution to the march needed area of help the clean up once all has been said and done.

For more information please visit,za


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