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Reasons To Have Jacksonville Drug Defense Attorney On Speed Dial

  • By lameldeckd1998
  • 22 Mar, 2017

A drug possession/trafficking charge is one serious charge as far as the law is concerned, which is why you need to have a good lawyer to take on your case. Time is always of an essence and so getting to contact your lawyer as soon as you are charged is important as it might change the tide of things.


The law office of James Davis, P.A. has been defending people charged with drug-related offenses for years. This means that they have what it takes to handle such cases with a high chance of winning.


About their charges, you will always have the best Jacksonville Drug Defense Attorney giving you the best-personalized defense on a price you mutually agreed upon.


Apart from these smart lawyers protecting you from going to jail, they can also make sure that any record is completely expunged, never to appear in your record ever again. You can also have your license protected by all means.


Can The Best Jacksonville Drug Defense Attorney Defend You Against Cocaine Possession Charges?


The best Jacksonville Drug Defense Attorney can defend you against ANY drug related charges. It is, therefore, important that you contact them as soon as possible for them to get you off the hook since the latter are very serious drug charges. With the experience that these attorneys have, they can help you evade the minimum jail term of 5 years.


The more cocaine that one possesses, the more time they face which can be up to 30 years behind bars. The more cocaine one is caught possessing, the more jail time they are likely to face. But with a good lawyer, they will always come in handy and help you fight and either get a “tap on the wrist” sentence or walk on a technicality.


Types of Drug Charges That a Jacksonville Drug Defense Attorney Can Defend You Against


You should always make a point of contacting the best Jacksonville Drug Defense Attorney the moment you receive that dreaded ticket or notice to appear from the police.


So the moment you have that NTA served to you, make sure that you have contacted your lawyer and have a sit down before the due date. The good lawyer will also give you some useful tips on how to conduct yourself during the cross-examination in a bid to increase your chances of being found not guilty.


Some of the drug charges against clients include marijuana, prescription pain pills without a prescription or a forged one. These smart lawyers will also ensure that you aren’t convicted of using their experience in defense and finding loopholes in cases hence making it inadmissible in a court of law.


Remember that drug possession charges carry harsh penalties as compared to speeding or DWI related charges. It would, therefore, be a very shrewd thing for you to get in touch with the best lawyer to take care of you. Remember that in Jacksonville, possession of marijuana can lead you the suspension of your driving license for two whole years!!


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