Blog Post

The Benefits Of The White Widow

  • By lameldeckd1998
  • 21 Mar, 2017

Plants are known to take long to germinate, but this is not the case with the White Widow. These seeds grow very fast, and the end results are great. Producing a lot of resin, the seeds have buds that help with holding the resin. These marijuana seeds can be identified by their length when they grow; they germinate within hours and are very energizing.


Fast Germinating


One benefit of these marijuana seeds is that they germinate very fast. 24 hours are enough to see this happen and they grow into strong seedlings.  After the germination, it takes 10 weeks to flower, and they look amazing. This is exactly what you need.


Easy to Grow


If you are looking for marijuana seeds that are easy to grow and manage indoors, the White Widow makes the best option. No problems especially with wild weeds. When the right temperature is maintained which is possible indoors, there is enough water, ventilation, and light, you will not have issues with growing the plant. You will love the high-quality yield.


Grows Tall Enough


These White Widow feminized seeds grow tall enough to be properly managed. Although they are a bit delicate, they are strong plants. In less than a month, they can grow up to 50 cm or 3 feet tall.


Amazing Taste and Smell


Everyone who smokes marijuana wishes for a strong effect. With the White Widow, you get this and much more. Once you smoke it, you get a relaxing, happy and uplifting feeling. You stay happy and nothing stressing will cross your mind.  It smells so good, and the taste is delicious for those that know what quality strains are. It has a pungent, earthly and woody flavor.


Great Medicinal Properties


For those that suffer from anxiety all the times, this will help in dealing with that. While some smoke weed for the uplifting effects that it has, others opt to smoke it for its medicinal properties. In fact, this is the reason it has been legalized in some states, and it becomes popular everyday that goes by. The white widow is one of the most beneficial marijuana seeds as it helps in relieving stress which keeps you happy, it counter-attacks depression and pain.


Great End Results


What matters are the end results, and with the white widow, you do not have to worry about it. The yields are good, and the end product is of high quality if proper management has been adhered to throughout the growing process.


White widow feminized seeds are highly known for its medicinal benefits and the fact that it germinates in hours. You can drop them in paper towels or use a patch box, and they germinate in less than a day. These marijuana seeds sprouts very fast, they grow into strong plants, they are easy to manage, and they taste great. This is what weed enthusiasts are looking for. The plant type and height are hybrid and medium conscutively.

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